Harnessing the Power of Hypnotherapy: A Path to Healing for Anxiety and Depression

Harnessing the Power of Hypnotherapy: A Path to Healing for Anxiety and Depression

Hypnotherapy is a gentle and transformative approach to healing offers profound benefits for those struggling with anxiety and depression, guiding them towards a brighter and more fulfilling existence.

Unlocking Your Potential: The Transformative Benefits of a Psychic Reading with Michele

Unlocking Your Potential: The Transformative Benefits of a Psychic Reading with Michele

It's natural to seek guidance from someone who can offer insights beyond the ordinary. This is where Michele, a gifted psychic, can illuminate your journey and empower you to embrace your true potential. She is a certified psychic medium with over two decades of experience in all areas of Intuitive guidance.

Life Coach In A Box - Life Coaching Made Easy

Life Coach In A Box - Life Coaching Made Easy

“LIfe Coach In A Box” is a Two Book, self guided Life Coaching system that is packaged so that you can unpack each step along the way in your own time, at your own pace. Like a beautifully wrapped gift in a box, it holds treasures and suprises curated for you!

Heal Stress, Trauma and Neurology with Neuro Bliss

Are you struggling and can’t seem to break through? Have you experienced repeated situations, people, struggles, thoughts, etc.. and can’t figure out why? Are you feeling anxiety, depressed, emotional, sensitive, overwhelmed, scared or maybe even just feel like giving up? You may be experiencing the effects of trauma. Trauma has a huge impact on how we go through life. It can create struggle and limitation instead of freedom, peace, joy, abundance and harmony.

Neuro Bliss is all about identifying, aknowledging, embracing and releasing traumatic energy that is trapped in the body and allowing your nervious system to regulate and regain it’s harmonious, peaceful status, that is your normal place to be!!

Learn a little bit about trauma and how we can help you:

About Trauma

Trauma can manifest in the body through a process often referred to as somatic experiencing. The body's response to trauma involves the interplay of the nervous system, muscles, organs, and other physiological processes. Here's a breakdown of how trauma can be stored in these aspects:

  1. Nervous System: Trauma activates the autonomic nervous system, leading to the release of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. The sympathetic nervous system, responsible for the "fight or flight" response, may become hyperactive, contributing to increased arousal and vigilance. Chronic activation of the stress response can dysregulate the nervous system, impacting emotional regulation, sleep patterns, and overall well-being.

  2. Muscles: Trauma can lead to muscle tension and patterns of chronic contraction. The body's instinctive response to threat often involves preparing for action, resulting in tightened muscles. Over time, this chronic muscle tension can contribute to physical discomfort, pain, and a heightened sensitivity to stressors.

  3. Organs: The impact of trauma on the nervous system can also affect organ function. Chronic stress may contribute to disruptions in digestive processes, immune system function, and cardiovascular health. For example, prolonged stress can lead to issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), immune system suppression, or hypertension.

  4. Somatic Memory: Trauma memories can be stored in the body as somatic memories, which are non-verbal, sensory-based memories linked to physical sensations and emotions. Certain body postures, gestures, or even specific smells can trigger these somatic memories, leading to a re-experiencing of the trauma on a physiological level.

  5. Fight, Flight, Freeze Responses: The body's immediate responses to trauma (fight, flight, freeze) may become ingrained in the nervous system. These responses can persist even in non-threatening situations, leading to heightened reactivity, avoidance behaviors, or a tendency to become immobilized in the face of stress.

Therapeutic approaches such as archtyping, EFT/Tapping, somatic breathing, art therapy, neurographics, frequency healing, meditation, mindfulness techniques and spiritual development aim to address and release the stored tension and energy associated with trauma, allowing individuals to integrate their experiences and promote healing on both psychological and physiological levels.

Symptoms of a dysregulated sympathetic nervous system:

Excessive sympathetic overload, also known as trauma, is a state in which the sympathetic nervous system becomes excessively activated, leading to a prolonged state of stress.

With a highly active sympathetic nervous system, the body remains in a heightened state of stress, even in the absence of immediate danger. This can lead to a range of physical and emotional symptoms, such as: 

  • Digestive issues

  • Dysregulated and disturbed sleep 

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Addiction

  • Eating disorders

  • Chronic Pain 

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Inability to focus 

  • Procrastination

  • Emotional outbursts (as in PTSD)

  • PTSD

  • Low motivation

  • Feeling disconnected

  • Withdrawal from life, friends, family

  • Suicide

How I Can Help:

Over time, repeated exposure to trauma or chronic stress can shape an individual's default response pattern, impacting their ability to navigate future challenges.

Therapeutic interventions often aim to help individuals understand and regulate these responses to promote healthier coping mechanisms and recovery from trauma.

Through my Neuro Bliss Program I offer therapeutic approaches such as archtyping, EFT/Tapping, somatic breathing, art therapy, neurographics, frequency healing, meditation, mindfulness techniques and spiritual development aim to address and release the stored tension and energy associated with trauma, allowing individuals to integrate their experiences and promote healing on both psychological and physiological levels.

To answer any questions and get support in making this most important decision to change your life, schedule your 15 minute complimentary discovery session HERE

Birthing A New Light

Is it December already? Is 2022 really almost over?? Where does the time go? I hear this every day as we get closer to winding down this year of transformation. It’s almost like we’ve stepped out of one time matrix and into another where time as we once knew it has somehow changed.

In a way, It’s like everything has changed, and nothing has changed, all at the same time. I’ve heard people say that reality is not even what we think it is and it may never have been. Whoa! Thats crazy! But we’ve been given a history that doesn’t make sense when we look into it. We are given belief systems that seem to be crumbling. We have institutions that are becoming unsustainable, but we still must operate within them. The feeling that something is wrong is becoming undeniable. But what is it?

The dictionary defines the word Paradigm as “A standard, perspective or set of ideas”. We are living in a time where commonly accepted standards, and perceptions and sets of ideas are changing, they are shifting. It’s called a Paradigm Shift.

Great teachers, such as Moses and Jesus came during times of Paradigm Shifts, when humanity, and the civilization it functioned within, were becoming unstable and unsustainable. People were feeling the pinch, the dis-ease, of too much burden on the human soul. Moses brought us the Ten Commandments, a blueprint of how to live harmoniously.

Jesus came as a Light unto the World, birthing a new Light. He gave us simple words of inspiration and understanding.

He said “The Kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed. Nor will they say “Look, here it is” or “There it is” For in fact, The kingdom of God is within you” Like 17:21

To change from searching for God as something outside of us, to recognising that God, and the answers we seek, are within us is an internal paradigm shift. A shift that will give us new perspectives, provide new opportunities to create a new paradigm of our own design. It creates new ways to see ourselves and eachother and our world. With every paradigm shift, there is the opportunity to birth a new Light that will bless and honor and lift all of life to create a joyful, healthy, meaningful, balanced, abundant and loving existence.

We are at a time for birthing that new Light. A time that has been pointed to by the greatest teachers who came during paradigm shifts. They gave us the information we needed.

And now we are here during the time where we have the ability to once again find The Kingdom of God within. And the path to that Kingdom is Love. “Love One Another”. Jesus said. Just One thing. Love One Another.