Unlocking Your Potential: The Transformative Benefits of a Psychic Reading with Michele

Unlocking Your Potential: The Transformative Benefits of a Psychic Reading with Michele

It's natural to seek guidance from someone who can offer insights beyond the ordinary. This is where Michele, a gifted psychic, can illuminate your journey and empower you to embrace your true potential. She is a certified psychic medium with over two decades of experience in all areas of Intuitive guidance.

Communication from the Ancestors

From Colette Baron-Reids Wisdom of Avalon Oracle 

These cards carry the wisdom of our Ancestors

These cards are powerful communication with the Ancestors that carry the Avalon imprint and energies of a very powerful and beautiful time in history.  Most of us are connected to this blood line.

Burden: Are you carrying burdens of the past or other peoples burdens that aren't even yours?  Have you been going in circles with the same issues or people or struggles?  This card asks you to put these burdens down.  Sometimes we hold on to things, not even realizing that they are creating an energy vortex that continues to bring in more and more of the same. It's time to let go.  Stop trying to make others responsible for their actions.  Stop wanting others to change.  Stop hoping that your life will change when you keep doing the same things over and over. Start forgiving yourself for being in an experience that caused you pain. Start leaving people alone to do their own thing, and wish them well.  Start looking forward, toward your hopes and dreams.  Letting go doesn't mean giving up.  Letting go means you are no longer going to carry the burdens that have proven to not be good for you.  You are allowed to take care of yourself, set boundaries and to be happy. 

The Butterfly: And when you let go, when you lay those dusty, crusty, old stinky burdens down, you become the butterfly.  Light as air, free as the wind that carries them, and beautifully alive. Close your eyes and imagine being a butterfly.  Feel the air carrying you along as you flit from flower to flower.  Image what a butterfly sees and she glides along streams of energy that she trusts to always take her to the next wonderful experience.  Feel as your heart lifts and smile begins to blossom across your face.  Be a butterfly.  Every day take time to connect to the beautiful butterfly within you. 

Lay those burdens down.  Make the choice right now to be a butterfly.  Let go.  Let yourself be who you really are.  Free and beautiful.

Affirm:  I AM as free as a butterfly!!  I trust in the wisdom of the eternal loving presence that runs in, through and as all things.  I choose to let go and be my very best me.  I AM Love.  

I AM that I AM

You’ve made it!! What’s Next?

From Colette Baron-Reids Oracle cards, The Good Tarot:

These cards are a beautiful blend of Oracle Cards and Tarot Cards, bringing through deep, clear and meaningful messages.

Our first card is the Queen of Fire- This card represents you at your very best. It speaks to your power, your wisdom, your depth of heart and soul. And it speaks to how you affect others and that your presence, words and actions affect the world around you. The Queen of Fire is a manifestor of worlds, and thus, you are a powerful manifestor.

The Queen of Fire is here to ask you, “Are you living your best life?” She is also asking, “Have you made yourself small so that others aren’t uncomfortable with your power?” You bow to no one. You are the divine source of everything you need unto yourself. When you stand tall and take your rightful place as the Queen you also show others that they, too, can stand in their power. All look to the Queen for direction, the Queen sets the stage for how the world is to be. Are you standing true to yourself?

Our next card is card of Patience - With this card following such a powerful card as the Queen of Fire, we see that patience is offering a bit of softening and soothing to your fiery heat! Patience asks you to make sure that you are staying focused on your inner voice, your inner wisdom, and to not get caught up in your manifestations. They are for you to enjoy and to share. But don’t make them your life. 

Manifestations are fleeting, they ebb and flow, they come and go. Don’t get attached. Attachment can bring pain. Be patient with yourself. Take time to be alone. Get out into nature where you can hear the voice of God/Goddess/Creator in the wind and the water, in the earth and the sun and stars. Be patient with yourself and be patient with others. The past few years have been very hard on everyone. We’ve all been under some pretty potent mental and emotional stress. Offer your patience in the form of kindness and compassion. The most powerful Queens are those who are able to love and care for others.

Final Note: Give yourself a pat on the back and a big congratulatory hug. You’ve come through times of great change and turbulence. And you are still here. You’ve made it. Your crown is still sparkling and your heart is still pure.


Now it’s time to ask, “What’s next for me?”