

Your voice, your words and your energy is your magic! You are a powerful and magical being. The vibration that your voice makes, along with the frequency of your emotions are your greatest manifestation tools. When you speak, the Universe listens and gets to work providing you with exactly what you ask for. Are you fully aware of what you are really asking for? Is there something subconsciously holding you back from your biggest dreams?

Its all about change in 2020, here's how to handle it!

We are in a time of great change!!  Everything is changing around us, the way we interact with each other, the way we shop, go to school and go to work.  We have to social distance, wear masks in public and eating in a restaurant is just confusing!!  Lol

During times like this it can get very stressful.  We try to hold on the the “normal”  we try not to lose out footing in a world gone…  well …..  kinda crazy!!

We are all being forced to change.  But what do we change?  How do we know when it’s time?  What do we change to and How do we do that??

I’ve got a few tips that might help!

In this world that seems to have gone mad …. The first indication that there is a need for change is simply that things get too uncomfortable.   We simply cannot do things the way we used to, whether by the circumstances around us, or because of changes within us.  A LOT of us are waking us, seeing through the thin veils of what we’ve been living in and seeing that things aren’t quite what we had thought.  Some of it is good and some of it not so good…….. and this happens when evolution takes place.  And evolution is change and change gets messy.  Really messy.

But what DO we change?  We start with feeling into what is happening.  Get out of your head, trying to reason away the weird, and feel into it. Does it feel like its good, uplifting and awesome?  Or not?  What doesn’t feel right anymore needs to change.  It’s important to identify what isn’t right for you.  It’s okay to let it wander through your mind for a bit and to see it from several angles. 

How do we know when it’s time to make those changes?  When the not so good feelings get to be really not good!!  When your  soul starts to yell at you “get out”  “move”  “stop this behavior”  or when you get ideas in your head over and over or things start showing up for you in odd and interesting ways.  These prompts can come in the form of music, animals, word or ideas that keep repeating, even numbers on a digital clock.  Your dreams are a good indication of how things are working for you, too!!  The Universe will go all out to get your attention and give you clues.  Your job is to pay attention.  Listen.  Stop for a few minutes and just BE.  This is where meditation can come in handy, learning to be still and quiet, to listen to your inner voice.  It starts to feel like a calling.   Something has got to change!!

But what do we do then?  How do we change???   My Angels answered this question for me personally many years ago.  And the answer is so simple, so clear!!  They told me to choose something different.  Just like that, choose something different.  It was so simple that I didn’t listen at first.  “What do you mean choose something different??  That’s crazy talk!!  You guys are supposed to help me!!!  What the hell???”

Then they told me what I’m sharing with you today…  stop, listen, just be still for a few minutes and hear your own self.

OK.  I did that… and it was kind of cool.  I felt calmer and more in control of things.

But then I asked “So how do I do this choosing?”

They said “Start something new.  Anything new.”

I pondered this idea for a while and then thought …  “But I don’t know what to start?  What if It isn’t right?  What if I mess up?

But then a soft gentle energy came over me.  And I heard these words, “Just start moving.  In any direction.  And the Universe will begin to guide you.  But you can’t move while you are standing still.  Just take one step in a different direction than you’ve done before”

And so I did.  I drove to work by a different route.  I started parking my car in a different spot.  I went to a different grocery store.  I moved the furniture around in my home.  I took a class I didn’t think I had any interest in, and it turned out to be awesome!!! It’s part of the reason I am an intuitive and healer today. I made new friends.  I started to experience new things.  I got happy again.  I felt good about myself and my life again. I wasn’t bored anymore!!  

I made a choice.  I moved in a new direction.  I chose something new, on tiny little levels and it changed my whole life.

So, are you feeling called to make some changes?  To choose something new?  Start with those baby steps we all hear about.  It will change your life!!!

If you need help with that, Michele is a Conscious Living Life Coach and can help you define your goals, and dreams and get you moving in the right direction with inspiration and confidence!! Check out her Services page now!!

Message from Mother Mary

Message from Mother Mary

On this day, I find myself feeling a soft presence, and I recognize the presence of the Queen of the Angels herself, Beloved Mother Mary, sitting beside me. She says “Beloved children, thank you for your beauty and your loving Light that you share into the world. It is within each of you to carry the Divine Light inside of you, and it is part of each person’s soul purpose to use that Sacred Light for good.

Doing Multiple Jobs As A Spiritual Way Of Living

I have had so many people say to me "You do so many different things, I can't keep them straight".
So I thought I'd do a little post clarifying this.. lol!!

1. For over 30 years I have been an accountant bookkeeper. I have owned, ran, and/or done bookkeeping for close to 50 different companies in many different fields.
2. For 20 years I have been an reiki master, energy healer, intuitive reader, hypnotherapist and life coach and am working on my doctorate in metaphysical therapy. I have worked with thousands of people, helping them to heal their lives. 
3. I am a total ham, and my childhood dream of becoming a performer became a reality in 2017 when I decided to step into voice acting as my "side hustle". Lol. 

All of this fills my soul. I am so blessed to follow my passion in three areas of my life and to express my soul purpose in the service of others. I keep their finances in order, their mind, body and soul healthy and make them laugh while I'm at it, well, most of the time..  :)  
What better way to spend the sacred life I've been given?
Many blessings to you, may you live your soul purpose every minute of your beautiful life!!

5 Secrets to Managing Your Anxiety

5 Secrets to Managing Your Anxiety

It’s important to understand the root of anxiety, but it is just as important to understand how to manage it when it starts to rear its ugly head. And I have a few techniques I use that I want to share with you. Here are 5 Secrets for Managing Your Anxiety.

Self Love and Living Your Values

Self Love and Living Your Values

When you begin to live by your values, you are able to shift into a higher state of consciousness where self-love, peace, harmony and balance are your experience. Your become happier, more successful, more passionate and even healthier! You don’t have to chase them, they just are.

Healthy, Wholesome Low Carb Eating!!

You’ve heard about the Keto Diet.  It is all the rage right now.  And there is a good reason for that.  The Keto way of eating is the way our ancestors ate before the industrialization of our food.  It’s the way gramma and grandpa ate.  Meat, eggs, veggies, cheeses, lard, oil, nuts and seeds.   It has sustained humanity for thousands of years. 

Since I have been studying about the Keto lifestyle, and have implemented it into my own life, I have experienced healing of four auto-immune diseases that plagued me for years.   I am no longer in excruciating pain.  I have energy and my mind is clear and focused.  I am sleeping all night and waking up refreshed and ready to greet my day. It hasn’t always been this way, for many years I suffered.  I gained a lot of weight, and was in pain all the time.  But not anymore.  I am healing. I am beginning to lose the weight that was a symptom of severe chronic illness.  I have gained my life back.  And you can, too!!

I have been a member of the Southern California healing community for since 2002.  As a Holistic Healer, Intuitive, Certified Life Coach, EFT Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and spiritual teacher, I have used powerful tools to help myself and many others to deal with the underlying emotional and mental issues that have kept so many people from succeeding in gaining back their health!! Losing weight and being truly healthy is a many faceted issue.  With my extensive background I have what you need to get healthy, lose weight and feel great again!!

I am offering an amazing enhanced program of learning how to get back to this healthy way of eating that will heal your body, balance your hormones, detox and rejuvenate your mind, emotions, body and soul.   As your body heals, it finds it’s own healthiest weight, naturally and organically, without you having to deprive yourself of yummy food or exercise like a maniac!!  It’s a lifestyle.  And it is amazing!!

Contact me to learn more about low carb eating!! I offer Health Coaching to get you started and to keep you going!!

Love, Michele

Intuitive Guide, Divine Energy Healer, and Spiritual Evolutionary

Archangel Metatron Speaks on Ascension

Archangel Metatron Speaks on Ascension

First, let me introduce myself. I AM Archangel Metatron. I AM the Archangel of Light and of the Power of God, The One, Universal Creator. It goes by many names. But it is all One. Let this be the first thing you gain understanding of from this channeling here today. I come to you to address Ascension. When I speak of Ascension I speak of the rising of your spiritual energy.

Angelic Channeling w/ Archangel Sandalphon

It All Comes From the Mother

Everything that exists here on Earth, comes from Mother Earth.  No matter how man made or synthetic it appears, it all came from this Sacred Earth.

Have you ever taken a moment to think about this?  There is nothing that exists in this plane of existence that doesn’t come from mother earth!  Look around you.  Look at buildings, cars, TV’s, phones, chairs, silverware, street lights, glass, metal, concrete, stucco, brick, plastic, all of it started with components found on and in the Earth.  

How did we get so far away from this knowing?

Archangel Sandalphon, the Archangel of the Earth, joins in with his wisdom; “It is easy for humans to have lost this connection.  Look how many of you rarely go outside anymore, except to get to your car or a destination.  Look at how many people, especially the young ones, who really don’t know where an apple or carrot comes from.   How many of you watch TV to find out about the weather instead of going outside and listening to the wind?   When was the last time your bare feet touched grass or sand or dirt?  It’s quite impossible to honor and nurture something if you don’t even know how much of a part of your everyday life it is.  It breaks our angelic hearts to see this.”

He goes on, “But, there is a revolution of sorts, a great awareness happening right now that is bringing human kind back to the Mother.  Natural eating, holistic health care, organic gardening and renewable energy are becoming mainstream.  There is a resurgence of the ancient wisdom. And don’t think for a minute that the “hippies” and “Goddesses” and “raw foodies” aren’t changing the world.  It is a consciousness.  It is a reconnection to the Mother who gives you everything you have.  It is Life.  And it is time for all of you to start living it from the Truth.  This Truth being that you are part of everything that is around you.  You are intricately and intimately connected.  Your well being relies on the well being of everything, especially the well being of the largest living organism in your presence, Mother Earth.”

As I think on what Sandalphon is saying one question bubbles up from my mind and I ask him: “So, how do we get back to our connection?”

All of a sudden my heart expands and I begin to smile like a child filled with wonder and Archangel Sandalphon says, “Dance.  Dance in your heart, dance in your mind, dance with your body upon Mother Earth’s sacred surface.  Lift your face to the sky, open your heart and be grateful.  Let your feet feel Her power, let your soul be cleansed.  Dance with gratitude for the Mother for everything you have, everything you are and everything that is.  This is a Sacred Dance.  She will hear you.  And all will be blessed.”

AA Sandalphon and Michele Amburgey